
šŸ§­ Purpose

This site is a Knowledge Base created for the UK governmentā€™s Net Zero Living programme. The Knowledge Base aims to aid data practitioners to adopt the programmeā€™s Data Guidance.

ā€˜Net Zero Livingā€™ is

UK governmentā€™s three-year programme that aims to help places and businesses across the UK to accelerate the delivery of the transition to net zero

šŸ” Objective

The Net Zero Living Data Guidance is published by Innovate UK and is consistent with government policy, regulation and industry best practice across data management.

The Data Guidance aims to

provide principles for managing data in Net Zero Living innovation projects, including:


Knowledge Base Contents

Introducing the 12 principles

Getting expert support for your digital investments

Open energy datasets

Getting started with data processing

Requirements: An Overview

How to Gather & Prioritise requirements

The Importance of Data Classification

Using Excel to Capture, Process and Display Data

Data Guidance Overview

This Knowledge Base is open-source and its content aims to support professional practitioners as they work with data; however, everyone is free to explore and share it.

Scope of this Knowledge Base

This image provides a high-level summary of scope for this knowledge base and how it relates to the Data Guidance.

Click to expand

Click to expand

Hereā€™s our explanation on how we arrived at this summary of scope: